5 Gouden Kalf nominaties voor COBAIN!

Cobain, een film van Nanouk Leopold, is genomineerd voor maar liefst vijf Gouden Kalveren! De bekendmaking van de genomineerden was gisteravond en is hier terug te kijken. Cobain is genomineerd voor de categorieën: Beste muziek: Harry de Wit Beste production design: Elsje de Bruijn Beste camera: Frank van den Eeden Beste mannelijke bijrol: Wim Opbrouck Beste film: Stienette […]

COBAIN in EFA Feature Film Selection 2018!

GREAT NEWS: COBAIN by Nanouk Leopold is part of the EFA Feature Film Selection 2018!!!! 49 films are recommended for a nomination for the European Film Awards. All EFA members are invited to vote for the nominations in the categories European Film, Director, Actor, Actress and Screenwriter. On November 10th the nominations will be announced at the […]

Silver Leopard for Too Late To Die Young!

Last Saturday, Dominga Sotomayor, director of our co-production Tarde para morir joven (Too Late To Die Young), has won the Silver Leopard for Best Director at the Locarno Festival 2018! We are very proud to be co-producer of this amazing film and want to congratulate Dominga, the producers and co-producers and all cast and crew. […]

TIEMPO COMPARTIDO release in Nederland!

Ontwijk de zon, vlucht voor de hitte: ga naar de bioscoop. Want: TIEMPO COMPARTIDO van Sebastian Hofmann wordt VANDAAG uitgebracht in de Nederlandse filmtheaters! De film wordt vertoond op de volgende plekken: Eye Filmmuseum, Het Ketelhuis, Rialto, Filmhuis Den Haag, T Hoogt Filmtheater en Café, FilmhuisO42, De Lieve Vrouw – Theater Film Café, Natlab door Plaza Futura, Focus Arnhem, LantarenVenster, Lumière Cinema, Concordia Cinema en Kijkhuis. Pedro en zijn […]

REY in the Netherlands!

We’ve got some good news to share about our co-production REY! REY, by Niles Atallah, will be released in the Netherlands by EYE Filmmuseum as part of the program Previously Unreleased! The first screening in EYE will be on August 23, following a Q&A with director Niles Atallah. In the upcoming weeks tickets can be purchased through […]

Too Late To Die Young selected for Locarno!

We are very proud to announce that the film Tarde para morir joven (Too Late To Die Young) by the Chilean Dominga Sotomayor will have its world premiere in the International Competition of the 71st Locarno Festival! The film is a production of RT Features and Cinestación in co-production with Ruda Cine and Circe Films. Dominga’s debut film De jueves a domingo (2012) […]

COBAIN at Sydney Film Festival

COBAIN was selected for the Sydney Film Festival 2018! It was part of the Europe! Voices of Women in Film program, presented by European Film Promotion and Sydney FF with media partner Screen International. Director Nanouk Leopold was present at the festival on behalf of COBAIN, together with screenwriter and producer Stienette Bosklopper.

Another award for COBAIN!

Last weekend at the Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz, the Youth Jury awarded COBAIN as Best Film! Our co-producer Christine Kiauk, from COIN Film, was present at the festival to accepted the award on behalf of director Nanouk Leopold.

Best Screenplay Award for COBAIN!

COBAIN, a film by Nanouk Leopold, has won the award for Best Screenplay at the Lecce European Film Festival! Main actor Bas Keizer was present at the festival to accept the award on behalf of scriptwriter and producer Stienette Bosklopper.

Cobain is een naturel portret geworden, zonder te duwen op de emoties of te vervallen in clichés. Heftig, overtuigend.

Jaap-Harm de Jong, Nederlands Dagblad, over COBAIN ****

Cobain – vanaf 5 april in de filmtheaters

Vanaf donderdag 5 april draait Cobain in filmtheaters in o.a. Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Amersfoort, Breda, Den Haag, Dordrecht, Eindhoven, Enschede, Groningen, Haarlem, Hilversum, Hoorn, Leeuwarden, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Wageningen en Zwolle. In enkele theaters zijn speciale vertoningen inclusief Q&A met regisseur Nanouk Leopold: wo 4/4: ROTTERDAM, LantarenVenster (voorpremière, met cast) do 5/4: UTRECHT, Louis Hartlooper Complex […]

Internationale Talentontwikkeling voor Nanouk Leopold

Nog meer goed nieuws: Whitetail, van Nanouk Leopold, is geselecteerd voor het programma Talentontwikkeling in Internationale Context van het Nederlands Filmfonds! In de ontwikkeling van het project zal commissielid Mike Goodridge (The International Film Festival & Awards Macao) ons team volgen, coachen en ondersteunen.