REY in Hivos Tiger Competition IFFR

Our co-production REY by Chilean director Niles Atallah is selected for the Hivos Tiger Competition at the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Read all about it here.

GOEREE selected for Cinemart 2017

Our feature film GOEREE by director Peter Hoogendoorn and writer Rogier de Blok is selected for the IFFR Cinemart 2017! Read the official selection announcement here.

Late To Die Young by Dominga Sotomayor supported by NFF-HBF

Late To Die Young by Chilean director Dominga Sotomayor and producer Cinestación is one of the three projects that has received support from NFF-HBF. Circe Films will co-produce this film together with RT Features from Brazil. Late To Die Young will be Dominga’s third feature film and it will be the second collaboration with Circe […]

AEON van Gabriel Lester te zien in Stedelijk Museum ‘s-Hertogenbosch

De video-installatie AEON van kunstenaar Gabriel Lester is te zien tijdens de tentoonstelling Heaven, Hell & Earth in het Stedelijk Museum ‘s-Hertogenbosch. De beelden voor deze installatie werden in samenwerking met Circe Films opgenomen in een well of death in India. Heaven, Hell & Earth is te zien tot en met 15 januari. Meer informatie over de […]

World premiere Waldstille at San Sebastian Film Festival

Waldstille by director Martijn Maria Smits is selected for the San Sebastian International Film Festival and will have its world premiere in the New Directors competition for first and second features. Waldstille will be competing for the Kutxa-New Directors Award, carrying €50,000 for the director and distributor of the film in Spain. Read the official press release […]

First shooting day Cobain 

Philip Joe Steekelenburg (born 10th June 2016 ) visits the set with his mother (and Cobain producer) Lisette Kelder and co producer Jan van der Zanden (The Film Kitchen).

Lola Randl’s new feature film starts shooting in Germany and the Netherlands

Today the first shooting day for the feature film Fühlen sie sich manchmal ausgebrannt und leer?, a co-production of Cologne based Coin Film with Circe Films, by writer/director Lola Randl, will take place. It tells the story of marriage counselor Luisa who is happily married to Richard, but also has an affair with Leopold, Richard’s boss. Luisa […]

Nieuwe speelfilm Nanouk Leopold opgenomen in Rotterdam

Deze zomer starten in haar thuisstad Rotterdam de opnames van COBAIN, de nieuwe film van Nanouk Leopold, naar een scenario van Stienette Bosklopper. De cast van de film zal bestaan uit debutant Bas Keizer, Naomi Velissariou en Wim Opbrouck. In COBAIN probeert de 15-jarige Cobain (Bas Keizer) om zijn zwangere moeder Mia (Naomi Velissariou) zo […]

Time Share receives co-production support

Our fantastic Mexican co-production Time Share by Sebastián Hofmann, produced by Julio Chavezmontes of Piano, received minority co-production support of the Netherlands Film Fund. Also, the film received support of the Netherlands Film Production Incentive. Sebastián Hofmann’s debut feature film HALLEY, also produced by Julio Chavezmontes, has had a very succesful release in Mexico and was a huge […]