ETIKA geselecteerd voor De Oversteek

ETIKA, een project van Isabel Lamberti, is geselecteerd voor een treatmentbijdrage in het kader van De Oversteek! Uiteindelijk worden, na de volgende indienrondes eind 2018 en begin 2019, 2 projecten geselecteerd voor realisering. Isabel Lamberti is bekend van de korte documentaire Volando Voy (2015) en de korte film AMOR (2017). Het project De Oversteek is […]

COBAIN selected for Berlinale – Generation 2018!

We are very proud to announce that COBAIN by Nanouk Leopold has been selected for Generation 2018 of the Berlinale – Berlin International Film Festival! The script has been written by Stienette Bosklopper. The Dutch-German-Belgian co-production is a collaboration between Circe Films, COIN Film, A Private View, VPRO and The Film Kitchen. COBAIN will be released in the Netherlands on 5 April 2018 […]

Tiempo Compartido selected for Sundance Film Festival 2018!

We are very proud to announce that Tiempo Compartido by Mexican director Sebastián Hofmann has been selected for the World Cinema Dramatic Competition of the Sundance Film Festival 2018! The Mexican-Dutch production is a collaboration between Julio Chavezmontes of Piano and Circe Films.

Eurimages supports SISTERS and OUTSIDE!

We have received European support by Eurimages for two of our minority co-productions! SISTERS by Emin Alper, produced by Liman Film (Turkey), Komplizen Film (Germany), Circe Films (Netherlands) and Horsefly Productions (Greece). and OUTSIDE by Michal Hogenauer, produced by Negativ Film Productions (Czech Republic), Tasse Film (Latvia) and Circe Films (Netherlands). Check this link for […]

Start shooting SISTERS

Meanwhile in Turkey the shooting of SISTERS just started! The film is a co-production with Liman Film (Turkey), Komplizen Film (Germany) and Horsefly Productions (Greece). Good luck to all cast and crew!

OUTSIDE shooting in Riga

OUTSIDE, one of our latest co-productions, is currently shooting in Riga with an almost completely Dutch cast! Among which Eliška Křenková, Monic Hendrickx, Roeland Fernhout, Sigrid ten Napel,Matthijs IJgosse, Elisa Beuger, Genio de Groot and our child star Jacob Jutte. The film is a co-production with the Czech Negativ Film Productions and the Latvian TASSE FILM.   

SISTERS by Emin Alper

We are very glad to announce that another co-production is coming up! Circe has received funding from the Netherlands Film Fund for the upcoming film SISTERS by Turkish director Emin Alper. We are very much looking forward to working with Liman Film, the co-producers and all cast and crew! More information about the film is […]

OUTSIDE by Michal Hogenauer

A new Czech, Latvian, Dutch co-production is coming up! Circe received funding from the Netherlands Film Fund for OUTSIDE by director Michal Hogenauer. We are very much looking forward to working with Negativ Film Productions and TASSE FILM and all cast and crew! Stay tuned because more info about this film is coming soon.

AEON van Gabriel Lester nu te zien in het Groninger Museum

AEON van kunstenaar Gabriel Lester is te zien tijdens de tentoonstelling The Return of Lester’s Loops in het Groninger Museum. De beelden voor deze installatie werden in samenwerking met Circe Films gedraaid. De tentoonstelling is nog tot en met 29 oktober te bezoeken. Kijk voor meer informatie over de tentoonstelling op de website van het Groninger […]

Waldstille – vanaf 30 maart in de filmtheaters

Vanaf donderdag 30 maart draait Waldstille in filmtheaters in o.a. Amsterdam, Utrecht, Amersfoort, Maastricht, Breda, Den Bosch. Een paar theaters hebben speciale (voor)premierevoorstellingen met Q&A met regisseur Martijn Maria Smits: zo 26/3: DEN BOSCH, Verkadefabriek ma 27/3: EINDHOVEN, NatLab di 28/3: UTRECHT, ’t Hoogt wo 29/3: AMSTERDAM, Het Ketelhuis (met cast en crew) vr 31/3: […]

Trailer Waldstille

Twee jaar geleden stonden de filmcrew en acteurs van Waldstille nog te draaien tijdens de carnavalsoptocht in Prinsenbeek. Nu kunnen we met trots de trailer presenteren: Waldstille draait vanaf 30 maart in de Nederlandse bioscopen.